Machine Learning

Master the Basics of Querying Tables in MySQL

An introduction to SQL using MySQL

Data Analysis with Python

An overview of data analysis with hands-on coding in Python

Linear Multiple Low-Rank Kernel Based Stationary Gaussian Process Regression for Time Series

Project presentation of CIE6133 course at CUHK-Shenzhen

Chinese Word Segmentation using Hidden Markov Model

Implementation of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to perform Chinese word segmentation

Gaussian Process Regression using GPyTorch

Building a scalable and flexible GP model using GPyTorch

Why the Future of AI is Federated

A look at federated learning and how it could shape the future of AI

Why Is AI So Smart and Yet So Dumb?

What Moravec’s Paradox told us about AI

Data is the New Lego

Bringing up my childhood Lego memories as an aspiring data scientist

I Taught My Computer to Classify Chinese Calligraphy Styles

Building a Chinese calligraphy classifier using

Chinese Calligraphy Classifier

A Chinese calligraphy classifier built using