Data Science

Master the Basics of Querying Tables in MySQL

An introduction to SQL using MySQL

Data Analysis with Python

An overview of data analysis with hands-on coding in Python

Gaussian Process Regression using GPyTorch

Building a scalable and flexible GP model using GPyTorch

LinkedIn Network Analysis

Exploratory analysis and visualizations on my own LinkedIn data

Analyzing My Own LinkedIn Data

How I visualize my LinkedIn network to gain insights

Data is the New Lego

Bringing up my childhood Lego memories as an aspiring data scientist

5 Reasons Why Data Science Is Like Cooking

Analogies of data science to cooking

7 Habits of an Effective Data Scientist

Kickstart your data science journey with these habits

ML Mini Projects

A series of machine learning mini projects implemented in Python

Sentiment Analysis on Tweets about US Airlines

A data-driven web app that visualizes various sentiment and exploratory analysis on tweets about US airlines